Mill Lake + David is leaving

Before David take off to Redding California. We take a walk around Mill Lake. Mill Lake is so beautiful today. But I am kind of sad. Because David is going away for 5 days.

I remember about a month ago, David told me there will have a conference is about kingdom business in Redding California. But he wasn't know if he wants to go or not. I know one thing holding him back might be me. Without me agree to him, I know he won't go. We never been apart from each other since we married. We work together everyday. We see each other everyday from the morning to evening when we go to sleep. I know is going to be very hard for me to live couple days without David around me. I pray and seek God for if David should go to Redding. And I feel like God wants me to decided if I want my husband to go or not.

David always had a vision about making lots money, be successful so he can be able to speak to the people who is also successful and support the world missions. He wants to raise up the godly leader to rule the city. I know God is call him to do that. The conference is about how kingdom business works. For keep his vision clear and focus, I knew, I need to let him go to Redding to met with God.

Here I am, little bit sad, little bit lonely, I give my husband back to You. and I surrender myself to You again.

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